Residential Building

In 2015 a residential building started. The project consisted in 13 floors, with a total surface of 8365 m2. This building has 66 apartaments splited in 11 floors and the first 2 floors are serving as servicing areas.

Residential Building

In 2012 a residential building started. The project had in 9 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 40 apartaments splited in 8 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.

The School

In 2012 the school was started with total surface 4400, spread in 4 floors, each floor has 12 classes.

Residential Building

In 2007 a residential building started. The project had in 11 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 54 apartaments splited in 7 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.

Residential Building

In 2007 a residential building started. The project had in 9 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 54 apartaments splited in 7 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.


Projekte te perfunduara

  • In 2015 a residential building started. The project consisted in 13 floors, with a total surface of 8365 m2. This building has 66 apartaments splited in 11 floors and the first 2 floors are serving as servicing areas.
  • In 2012 a residential building started. The project had in 9 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 40 apartaments splited in 8 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.
  • In 2012 the school was started with total surface 4400, spread in 4 floors, each floor has 12 classes.
  • In 2007 a residential building started. The project had in 11 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 54 apartaments splited in 7 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.
  • In 2007 a residential building started. The project had in 9 floors, with a total surface of 6000 m2. This building has 54 apartaments splited in 7 floors and the first floor is serving as servicing areas.


Lushnje, Lagja “Loni Dhamo”
Bulevardi “Shetitorja e Palmave”
Kompleksi “3-Kolonat”
Tel: +355 69 20 80 853


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